
Continuing Education

Embodying Support: Exploring Presence in Therapeutic Practice

In this workshop inspired by the wisdom of Laura Perls, we will delve into the profound concept of offering “as much support as is needed and as little as possible” through the lens of embodiment in therapeutic practice. As therapists, our interactions are deeply influenced by our clients’ bodies, just as our presence influences theirs. Through micro-expressions, muscle tensions, and shared breathing, a dance of connection unfolds between us and our clients. By enhancing our body awareness, we can cultivate a deepening capacity to support both our clients and ourselves with greater ease and clarity.

This workshop is tailored for therapists and therapists-in-training who are eager to move beyond the traditional “doing to” approach and embrace a more connected, unknowing “being with” freshness in their therapeutic work. We will use movement, play, dialogue, and writing in community to inspire and challenge our ability to embrace embodiment with our clients.

In this experiential workshop, you can expect to:

  • Deepen your sensitivity to the subtle messages of your own body.
  • Expand your ability to maintain self-awareness of your whole self while attuning to your clients.
  • Develop a clearer understanding of how support is a delicate balance between self and other in therapeutic encounters.
  • Discover how being fully present in your body can enrich your therapeutic relationships with openness, playfulness, and curiosity.

Date: Five Tuesday Evenings: February 4, 11, 18 & 25, March 4, 2025
Times: 6:30PM - 9:00PM
Fee: GIT Student & Alumni Fee: $325.00 | Regular Registrant Fee: $375.00