
Personal Development

Sacred Images
Archetypes, recognizable universal forms of patterns of energy or characters, have existed in our collective mind for a long, long time. Taking shape of the hero, the lover, the fool, the trickster, the nurturing goddess or the protector father, to name a few, these characters show up in our personal mythologies, cultural expressions and dreamtime, reminding us that we are not alone in the world as we are held by a psychological field. This workshop is an opportunity to reconnect with archetypal figures and explore how they can shape our personal stories, holding, nurturing and guiding us. We will draw from your personal mythologies, discover archetypical figures in your favourite character, story telling or film or novel and work as a group with these characters and bring them to life through role play, to embody, engage and learn from them. We will play with them and let ourselves be played by them to receive their energetic gifts. In doing so we will nurture and be nurtured by our mythological figures, maximizing our potential to grow and heal both personally and collectively.   IMPORTANT NOTE: The date and details of this workshop have changed since the 2024 - 2025 Annual Program Catalogue was printed. The details listed here are correct.

Date: Friday, March 14, 2025
Time: 10:00AM - 5:00PM
Fee: Regular Fee: $275.00 (until March 4, 2025) | Early Bird Fee: $240.00 (before March 4, 2025)