

The Leading Edge

Being In My Head
By Jay Tropianskaia on May 6, 2016 in The Leading Edge

Over the years of my study of awareness, I have many times asked of myself to “go to my body,” and to “get out of my head.” I have understood that “getting out of my head” meant getting out of analyzing, thinking, explaining, to myself or others. Many times over I found myself valuing this […]

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Clown and Gestalt
By Jay Tropianskaia on May 6, 2016 in The Leading Edge

It is important to clarify that a Gestalt clowning workshop is not like a clown workshop – one thing is to build a workshop with the purpose of helping participants find ‘their own clown.’ It is another thing is to lead a Gestalt therapy workshop where clown exercises are used with the purpose of supporting […]

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