

The Leading Edge

Tracking Changes
By Jay Tropianskaia on April 11, 2017 in The Leading Edge

I hear voices in my head. I expect I always will. They’re all versions of me — in stereo usually — in conversation with various departed ones, mentors, and intruders from my past. I am narrating my life to myself, more or less, all the time. I suspect we all are.

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Discover Your Soft Spot
By Jay Tropianskaia on February 16, 2017 in The Leading Edge

Soft spots are what I love to explore with my clients – how can we become supported enough in ourselves that we can be receptive, available, open to the other and connection. Yes, we need our hardness too and our ability to express ourselves. Yet, if we don’t know what is inside of us, the parts that we might hide from our friends and our lovers and yes, ourselves, then how do we express what is true?

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My Mindfulness Story
By Jay Tropianskaia on December 23, 2016 in The Leading Edge

Rumi, a famous Sufi poet asked: “Do you make regular visits to yourself?” In answering his question, I have realized that riding my bike that sunny summer afternoon I was being a poor visitor to myself, a jittery guest who was uneasy, impatient and hungry for more excitement, who was going in and out of being present. I have realized that riding my bicycle that day, I was actually riding on my thoughts with the bicycle, disconnected from my body.

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Being In My Head
By Jay Tropianskaia on May 6, 2016 in The Leading Edge

Over the years of my study of awareness, I have many times asked of myself to “go to my body,” and to “get out of my head.” I have understood that “getting out of my head” meant getting out of analyzing, thinking, explaining, to myself or others. Many times over I found myself valuing this […]

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Clown and Gestalt
By Jay Tropianskaia on May 6, 2016 in The Leading Edge

It is important to clarify that a Gestalt clowning workshop is not like a clown workshop – one thing is to build a workshop with the purpose of helping participants find ‘their own clown.’ It is another thing is to lead a Gestalt therapy workshop where clown exercises are used with the purpose of supporting […]

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